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Toyota MEDICAL MOVER equipped with "Nexstetho Synapse", an online remote auscultati for medical MaaS

- Reference exhibit of FOSTEX speaker auscultati units -

We will exhibit "Nexstetho Synapse", an online medical treatment and distant diagnosis system for Medical MaaS, which will be installed as a standard feature in Toyota Motor Corporation's MEDICAL MOVER, at the "8th Comprehensive Exhibition for Medical Care and Nursing Care" to be held at INTEX Osaka from February 24 to 26, 2022.

Ltd. will exhibit its digital stethoscope device "Nexstetho" and online medical treatment/telehearing system for medical MaaS "Nexstetho Synapse" at Toyota Auto Body's booth (Hall 4, Booth No. 2-26 in the Nursing & Care Expo Regional Comprehensive Care Fair) in "The 8th Comprehensive Exhibition of Medical and Nursing Care Osaka" to be held at INTEX Osaka (Suminoe Ward, Osaka City) from February 24 (Thursday) to February 26 (Saturday).

In addition, since there is a high demand for non-contact auscultation in the COVID-19 trend, there will be a reference exhibit of the "Bio Speaker," a speaker unit for Nexstetho manufactured by FOSTEX, which has been jointly developed with Foster Electric Co.

Exhibition Contents

Nexstetho and Nexstetho Synapse

Nexstetho is a digital stethoscope that uses bio-sound amplification method to digitize the faint sound of mechanical stethoscope that doctors are familiar with, instead of the conventional piezoelectric electronic stethoscope that converts vibration into voltage. Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, many medical facilities in Japan and abroad have adopted this product as it is useful for protecting medical personnel from infection because it allows them to maintain a certain distance from the patient through wireless auscultation. It has been widely used and adopted by many medical facilities in Japan and abroad.

The company is also developing "Nexstetho Synapse," a vehicle-mounted online medical remote diagnosis system for medical MaaS that enables real-time diagnosis over a longer distance using the Internet, and has been adopted by a mobile clinic in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture.

"Bio Speaker", a FOSTEX auscultation speaker unit

  1. Howling-less mechanism Fostex's proprietary technology has suppressed the unpleasant feedback that has been a problem when monitoring biological sounds heard in the Nexstetho using conventional speakers, greatly improving the ease of listening during auscultation. This eliminates the need to attach or detach the earpiece during auscultation, and also enables simultaneous monitoring of auscultation sounds by multiple people.

  2. Wide range playback, even for low frequencies such as heartbeats We selected as a base model the small monitor speakers that have been used as a standard in broadcasting stations for more than 30 years, and despite their small size, they realize wide-range reproduction that enables monitoring of biological sounds from the low frequency range.

  3. Optimized reproduction of the original sound Based on many years of experience in the development of professional monitor speakers, we have fine-tuned them to optimize the reproduction of the original sound as a reference for the biological sound required by Nexstetho.


This is a "Medical MaaS vehicle" developed by Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. with the aim of solving the problem of maintaining and improving the health of people who are unable to go for medical examinations or health checkups for various reasons through mobility.

The vehicle is based on the Toyota Hiace, and by taking advantage of the large interior space, multiple medical checks can be performed in a relaxed state, including vital measurements (blood pressure, pulse rate, blood oxygen level, body temperature, respiratory rate), blood sampling, electrocardiogram measurement, and health checkups.

A possible use scenario is for a nurse or public health nurse to board the MEDICAL MOVER and go to the patient to measure vitals and perform a physical checkup. Afterwards, a doctor from the hospital will explain the results of the vitals measurement and examine the patient online via a large monitor in the car.


Outline of "Medical and Nursing Care Expo" Osaka 

  • Duration : February 24 (Thursday) - 26 (Saturday), 2022 10:00-17:00

  • Venue : Suminoe ward, Osaka city, Osaka 

  • organizing : RX Japan K.K. (formerly known as Reed Exhibitions Japan)

  • joint sponsorship : Japan Hospital Association, Japan Nursing Care Association, Osaka Geriatric Health Care Facilities Association

  • Venue : Hall 4, Box 2-26 Nursing Care In the Nursing EXPO Regional Comprehensive Care Fair

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